Monday, January 18, 2016


Hey! The Oscars is coming and everyone's complaining... again! 

Ok. I am well aware that the Academy Awards has been scrutinized by everyone within the film culture, especially since they claim that it has been rigged so that the Best Picture award goes to some historical movie we NEVER heard about, only to promote it to boost sales, and also the troubling fact that this year has been white-washed (again!), this hardly making mentions of black-dominant movies like TANGERINE, CHI-RAQ, or STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON. However, I will give it the benefit of the doubt and see if these movies are worthy of such an honor of nomination. 

Disclaimer: These are the movies that have been nominated in categories I wont bother listing. These are my viewpoints on these movies, so that when you get the chance, you can see for yourself and leave further judgement for yourself. Also I refrain from talking about other movies I have talked about in other posts, with the exception of those with further detail. Therefore INSIDE OUT, BRIDGE OF SPIES and ANOMALISA aren't in this because I have already talked about them (even though you should TOTALLY see those three movies!) OK, lets get rolling!

Despite the movie going through the motions most of the time and some historical inaccuracies, it's a really good film. In telling a story about Dalton Trumbo who gets blacklisted for suspected communism, it offers a great cast (Louis CK, John Goodman and Cranston himself are scene-stealers), and an authentic, old-time vibe, with dialogue and camera work. The director has worked with movies that parallel both comedy and political in-sighting, and this movie has moments like that; granted it is fewer but present. But like I said, it goes through the motions. It is like they try to cram all the events of Trumbo's life without giving more time to breathe. To be fair, there are scenes that do take their time, but not much. Otherwise, I recommend this. Give it a watch.
Rating: 7/10 GOOD


Ugh, look I get the controversy about having a straight man playing a transgender woman, but that wouldn't be enough to ruin the movie. But other than that, it's pretty mediocre. The story is about how a guy wanting to be a woman, at first to please his wife for her job, but then slowly wants to be a woman for his decision. From an otherwise interesting premise, this movie doesn't do much with it, and it is obviously exploiting its transgender story to score Oscar points and making the movie look deeper than what it really is. Outside from being tame with the whole transgender subject matter,
what it does do with it is kind of all over the place. There are moments when Eddie Redmayne's character (who honestly looks embarrassing in this) chose to be a girl for his wife, then he regrets it, and then he wants a sex change, but then regrets it again. Now it would make sense giving the emotions and how they contribute to these decisions being made, but they're so lacking it's almost never justified. The actors do their parts well (Alicia Vikander is the standout and the most interesting) and make up for an otherwise unfocused and dull film. If you really want a movie that does better with transgender characters but doesn't feel exploited, try TANGERINE. With this movie, while I did appreciate it in some respects, I don't recommend it.
Rating: 5/10 AVERAGE

I have already talked about this, so I'll just say: GO SEE THIS! Brutal, amazingly shot, well-acted, a bit overlong at times, but well worth your money.
Rating: 9/10 FANTASTIC

Basically THE WOLF OF WALL STREET, but with four parallel stories, and instead of focusing on a Wall Street broker, we focus on four "good guys" who saw it coming and try to stop it. Funny, poignant, well-acted, and has a surprisingly good amount of cameos, THE BIG SHORT doesn't really engross us but rather inform us; to tell us the whats, whens, hows, and whys about the 2008 Stock Market Scandal. I will say that those should temper their expectations when seeing Brad Pitt, as he has little screen time. Give it a watch
Rating: 8/10 GREAT


Oh look! Another Jennifer Lawrence/David O Russell joint. Goodie. In all sincerity, it's serviceable. It is not too self-serious like AMERICAN HUSTLE but still could be more engaging like THE FIGHTER. Jennifer Lawrence is the best part in this movie, and makes up for the meandering opening third and the tiring overwrought dialogue (seriously, this movie won't shut up!). The movie does get interesting during the second half, where she actually sells her inventions, and the way they replicate those infomercials looks cool. I just wish that the movie had a better opening and I wish David O. Russell stops trying to rip off Martin Scorsese (AGAIN) what with the distracting music choices, the portentous directing and the tedious dialogue. Seriously, this movie is about how she struggles financially with her Miracle Mop (no really, that's it) , and this movie feels overwrought and self-important when it could've been something else. Then when it ends, you kind of wonder "wait, that's it?" Overall, I like it with its few touching and entertaining moments, but it could've been better. (Sidenote: the girl playing her daughter: AWFUL)
Rating: 6.5/10 FINE

Now this caught me by surprise. In telling a story about a Boston report team covering a story about sex scandals within the Catholic Churches, the movie manages to be engaging with both great ensemble cast and the simple but gripping scale. There is scandal among the Cardinal Law, determination among the Spotlight, depression among the interviewed victims, and all of it is focused, showing so much without beating us over the head with it, therefore playing it serious. Yet it is still more engaging than most of these other Oscar movies I can name, if I'm being frank. So much so to the point where we ask ourselves "why didn't we deal with this before?!" I really recommend this, if for no reason that, out of many news report movies, you won't see much as good as this.
Rating: 8/10 GREAT

CAROL is also one of those movies that would easily suck. This tells a story about two completely different women who slowly blossoms a relationship that exceeds their past heterosexuality. The biggest strength, outside of great production design and Oscar-worthy acting, is the fact that it doesn't make this as those dower, pretentious, novella-esque romance stories, thus keeping it simple yet three-dimensional within its own simplicity. Heck, there is a subplot about the girls' exes not liking this decision that could've easily not work, but somehow it does. Instead of making these hard-ass pricks, they are depicted as something more realistic. Now if there is a nitpick, is that this is director Todd Haynes' most restrained movie. Outside of that, Its pleasant, romantic, and probably the biggest Christmas-infused movie since IRON MAN 3 and DIE HARD. Give it a watch. 
Rating: 8.5/10 GREAT

Again, I have talked about this movie, but I'll see if I can go in depth with this movie. THE MARTIAN is about Matt Damon as an astronaut/botanist/wise-ass who is stranded in Mars after a harsh dust storm. Using his intellect, he finds ways to survive the dust planet while others back on Earth desperately try to bring him back through knowledge, determination, and worldwide unity. Now unlike past movies like GRAVITY and INTERSTELLAR, this movie is the least "showy" out of the two, so there it is not much of a spectacle ride and more of a plot-driven film. Also, unlike those movies, it doesn't have the obvious symbolism in GRAVITY nor the sappy KINGDOM HEARTS bullshit that ruined INTERSTELLAR, so this movie is the most focused and, in my opinion, the most interesting. Well-acted, well-directed (as expected from the the master Ridley Scott) and just all-around focused, this needs to be seen to be believed, and I believe should earn the prize for Best Picture.
Rating: 9/10 FANTASTIC

This is one of those movies that I almost hated going into it, but love it more by every minute. It centers around a boy and his mom who both live in a shack outside from any contact from the world. When the boy turns 5, the mom does an escape plan from the capture, and by doing so, manages to get away and live in an all-new world for the two of them. All throughout the film, we explore through psychological questions, logical outcomes, and gruesome events, all that makes us question the outcome of rape, isolation, and other things. All of it pays off to one of the most heart-warming endings I have ever seen. If there is a problem, I would say that HOW they the guy who held the mom captive got caught as soon as the boy escaped. I would also say that this movie can get too sappy, but in some cases it feels right. I don't know how to explain, but it is confusing how he got arrested. I wish I could explain, but it would do a disservice to at least one viewing. I seriously hate myself for not watching this sooner, because this would definitely be one of my favorite movies of 2015. Hell, the kid doesn't annoy me as much as he would've. GO SEE IT!
Rating: 9/10 FANTASTIC

Oh, what a lovely day! The Oscars have finally nominated an action blockbuster for something other than editing or effects (sorry, STAR WARS). Hell, I wouldn't blame them! The movie stars Tom Hardy as Mad Max trying to get away from Immortan Joe and his evil patriarchy. Along the way he gets aid from Furiosa (Charlize Theron) and her "Five Wives" and they escape with them, only to find that they have to return and conquer the corrupt world. So yeah, not only is this awesome with all the demolition car fights, fire, explosions, but it is shockingly deep with its own mythology. That and it is beautiful; George Miller has made some good-looking movies, but his return to the MAD MAX franchise is his best in forever. Give it a watch!
Rating: 8.5/10 GREAT

Okay, last one! So this movie, while it certainly is better than JOBS, isn't really all that special. In a certain way, it kind of knows that. Of course the story of Steve Jobs is quite the most talked about, right down to his unlikability, his temper, etc. so this movie just delve into the facts without skimping out what might demonizing him. (*cough* JOBS *cough*) Michael Fassbender is capable in the role, and Seth Rogen is fairly the same. There's lawsuits, a subplot about his child, and the point when he is shown to be an innovator, all that stuff. The most notable of all, it doesn't make him one of those people with an attitude that is justified by his skills (*cough* JOBS again *cough*) but they make him human. I guess the only flaw is that we really don't need this story. Biopics about innovative inventors have been made countless times, so seeing this doesn't stand in any way. But, like I said, the movie knows that. Overall, I enjoy it, but it isn't worth more than one viewing. 
Rating: 7/10 GOOD

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